E-bike benefits Blacon playworker
31st March 2022

An electric bike is opening up new adventures for play worker Liam Evans.
Liam now gets in the saddle each day to travel to work at Blacon Adventure Playground, helping him save money, stay fit and do his bit for the environment.
The playground is managed by Avenue Services, which helped Liam secure the new bike through its Cycle to Work scheme.
Liam, 29, grew up in Blacon and recently bought his first home in the area.
He said: “I’d been thinking about upgrading my bike for some time and the Cycle to Work scheme made it possible.
“The reasons for getting the electric bike were mainly financial, but also for the freedom and the enjoyment it would give me. Having the bike opens a lot more doors.
“I like to cycle with friends, through Chester and down by the River Dee. I always used to be at the back of the group, trying to keep up, now I’m at the front telling the others to peddle faster! I’ve noticed that my fitness has increased and my mental wellbeing too.”
Cycle to Work is a government initiative enabling companies to offer employees a cost-effective way to get new cycling equipment.
Liam says he would encourage others take advantage of the scheme.
“I listen to David Attenborough and know how important it is to think about sustainability. The bike is much more environmentally friendly than hopping in a car to get to work.
“It takes about four to five hours to charge completely, but then it’s got enough power to go for over 50 miles. Now, rather than simply talking about walking up mountains, my friends and I are planning bike adventures.”
Sandra Hewitt, Blacon Adventure Playground manager, said: “It’s great to be able to help Liam in this way. He loves his new bike and arrives at work with a smile on his face, ready to start the day.”